
Prescription Program to Improve Kidney Function & Detoxify Kidneys

The kidneys are one of four excretory organs of the body and keep your blood clean and toxin-free. These bean shaped little organs play a huge role in keeping you active and healthy. Any imbalances and inefficiencies in kidney function will therefore affect you on a systemic level, leading to low energy levels,


Kidney function can be affected by a number of factors. Small kidneys is a condition where one is born with kidneys sozed smaller than average. When less water is consumed over a long period of time, kidney stones and calculi develop causing lower belly aches or shooting pain, and discomfort when urinating. Chronic kidney disease is seen in patients with damanged kidneys; this could be due o diabetes, repeatedness infections or many other factors. All of these contribute to declining kidney function which means the body carries around more waste in the blood that is healthy.

A buildup of uric acid could result in joint pain and gout. High creatinine levels indicate failing kidneys and lead to dialysis when levels get too high down the road. And unles syou are an athelete using protein supplements, above normal urea and BUN levels indicate a compromised protein digestion and/or absorption. All of these parameters of renal function can be corrected with the homeopathy prescriptions and a closely monitored diet which is part of my kidney program.

Hydrophonosis, nephretitis, kidney scarring, kidney stones, reduced kidney function, chronic kidney disease - these are some of the many kidney conditions that respond well to homoepathy medicines.

This treatment program is a combination of diet, natural home preparations as well as homoepathic medications to assist with increasing kidney function and supporting the kidneys in their quest to keep you blood clean.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Shrilekha Hada