Feel Alive!!


Prescription Program to Function Better in Life

What does it take to feel alive? Really, truly alive? Fully functioning? It is quite possible that you haven't felt that wonderful in a really long time. Yes? Then its time you did! With my 'FEEL ALIVE' Program that makes sure that your insides are in such good condition that the energetic feel-good effect percolates right out to your skin. A complete harmony of systems, inside to outside, and energy flow that comes together in a way that not only keeps you alive but makes you FEEL ALIVE!


Now, to feel this way, here's everything you have to do...

Call/Whatsapp +91-9833157047 and take an appointment. Then show up.

After you give your health history, what you get is a customised Homeopathic and Diet Plan that fits the needs of your body.

Because no two bodies are the same. Similar yes, not same.

Taking into account your individual body reactions and requirements, you follow a program that turns your physical and emotional health around.

All it takes is 45 days of homeopathy and a carefully planned diet.

Break the barrier that prevents you from living wholesome and fulsome.

Feel the difference. Feel alive. Today!

Program cost 5,000/- for 45 days.

What this program does:

  • Evaluates and corrects your diet to check for anything that could be pulling your health down.
  • Eliminates wrong combinations and toxic elements from the diet.
  • Tongue diagnosis - as the tongue is a mirror that reflects your inner body picture.
  • Evaluates functioning of the organs of digestion, excretion, respiration, etc.
  • Evaluates and corrects vitamin/mineral deficiencies if any.
  • Evaluates and fixes any energy leaks that could be draining energy.
  • Prescribes Homeopathy medicines to fit your 'Feel Alive' report card.
  • Gives positive vitality, to ensure productive living.
Copyright © 2018 Dr. Shrilekha Hada