The digestive system is the engine of this vehicle we call the body. It is where our fuel is broken down and assimilated to provide energy for all bodily functions. It stands to reason that any disturbance here would affect all the functions and systems of the body.
Acidity, indigestion, reflux, burping, bloating are just some of the common symptoms of a disturbed stomach. When left uncorrected for a time, these develop into disorders like ulcers, hyperacidity, gastritis. If left untreated even longer, it could lead to severe malnutrition and, rarely, stomach cancer.
And while these condition develop, nutrition to the rest of the body is naturally going to be affected in a negative way. Deficiencies and malabsorption result even when a good balanced diet is maintained, which in and of itself is a rare thing. Today's diet has a dispropotionate amount of unhealthy and outright junk food. Such bad fuel fed into a malfuncioning engine of a inefficient digestive system will naturally lead to problems in other body parts as systems as well.
Correcting such imbalances, at any stage, is imperative for good health. It is also quite easy to do so with homeopathy and of course eating the right food, at the right time and in the right combinations.