Spinal Disorders


Prescription Program for Spinal Disorders

The spine is a critical structure, extremely important, yet overly taxed. With today's modern liefstyle, sedentary with excessive food, not enough exercise, and a multitude of devices, our spines are under stress like no other time in hstory! Incorrect postures, long hours at a desk, constant reading of books or devices - all of these actions take their toll on the spine.


Hunched shoulders, seen only in middle age, now makes an appearance in childhood. Bone spurs, cervical and lumbar spondylosis starts as young as the teenage years. And knee problems, earlier called granny or dadi knees are common in those who havent even had kids yet! Arthritis and rheumatism sees no age anymore. Consumption of fizzy drinks results in disc degeneration at a tender age. PID, spinal cord stenosis, dessicated and herniated spinal discs, nerve compression and even sciatica and osteoporosis has become commonplace at any age.

Fortunately, homeopathy has a cure for these.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Shrilekha Hada