
Prescription Program for Liver Function & Detoxification

The liver is the largest organ in the body, and the only one with the ability to regenerate itself. Even of 10% of the liver is functioning, it manages to keep you alive and functioning


Today's lifestyle places a strain on the liver which shows up by way of abnormal liver exymes such as elevated SGOT and SGPT, high Alkaline Phosphates, GGTP and bilirubin. These are often accompanied by stomach disturbances such as bloatedness, gas, burping, sour taste in the mouth (bile rising)) and indigestion. Over time, these can manifest into illnesses like hepatitis, jaundice, portal hypertension, pain in abdomen from gall stones requiring surgery, cholecystitis and even cirhossis of the liver.

All of this can be avoided by treating the early stages when minor symptoms show up. We tend to ignore these until they become serious, but addressing them at the earliest is wiser.

My liver program addresses all liver problems primarily by diet, complemented by homeopathic preparations for detoxing and strengthening the liver. As this treatment needs to work even while the liver keeps up daily functions, it takes a peiod of one to three years to show significant difference on your blood tests, evne though functional improvements can be felt in a matter of months.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Shrilekha Hada